Decent story and Horrible voice acting make this a game to rent.

User Rating: 7 | Haze PS3
I am first going to talk about the story. The games main focus is the story so if the story was to suck the game would suck. Luckly the story is not bad, it does have some parts that are a bit overused. Overall the story is well done with some suprising parts.

Now with the voice acting. "IT SUCKS". The charactors try to sound tough, but end up sounding like a gangster from a 1950's film, it is to over dramatic. It also sounds like they are reading off the script right when they are acting.

There is also the sound. The sound is decent but nothing that I have not heard in other games to make it sound revolutionary. The guns have their typical sounds that the guns would sound like.

Last I am going to talk about the graphics. The graphics are pretty sub-par for what the PS3 should be able to handle. The edges are very pixelated and rugged. And the trees look like something that came from a previous generation game. The smoke effects would of been great, but it accually repeats the pattern. There are also a few graphical glitches like objects going through other objects.