its not haza its a maze !!!!

User Rating: 7 | Haze PS3
In todays world of Next gen gaming, there are so many titles that have raised the bar on the quality of games we have come to expect. in some cases this can be a good thing... but in some cases this can spell doom for titles that are over hyped. With that said, haze is a game that has so much potential but yet turns out to be so disappointing. The game is not terrible, but it does nothing to push it past the level or even stay on par with similar titles of its genre.

Visually, the environments lack detail and you will quite often see things such as characters running through bushes, branches, and vehicles. The weapon effects and vehicles look pretty nice but are over shadowed by that lack of detail everywhere else. A perfect example of this is when one of the main characters in the game (Gabriel "skin coat" Merino) has his finger chopped off by a rebel troop. If you look when this happens you will notice the finger is removed from his right hand. however in the very next scene and for the rest of the game, the finger is missing from his left hand instead!! Classic.

As far as the sound goes, the weapons are put together pretty nice. the shot guns, assault rifles, and pistol all sound fairly different and give a feel that they actually have a different impact then the others. however it is again damaged by the repetative and annoying voices and catch phrases used throughout the game by each faction.

The game runs pretty smooth as far as performance goes, but the campaign is both short and easy allowing you to finish it within about 9 to 10 hours. Now the game does allow you to open additional difficulty levels after completion, however the lack of secrets and unlockables in the game will prevent you from wanting to go back through a second time.

Now As I stated before, Haze does have some good points to it. The game supports 2 player split screen on and offline. A friend can jump in or leave a game at any time during the campaign without affecting the gameplay, and also the controls are fully customizable so if you have problems with the vehicles you can adjust to your needs. also you can play the multiplayer on and offline so that means you and a friend can hop in a match and add up to 14 bots and fight with each other. This may not be much, but can be pretty fun if you try it. The game also has consistent action all the way through and never seemed to get to boring.