Not Impressed.

User Rating: 6.5 | Haze PS3
I remember seeing the ads for this game and it looked pretty good, but this game is an example of something that didn't live up to the hype (or my expectations). I thought the Gamespot review was a bit harsh, but the above-average vocabulary of VanOrd made it a good much as I want to make this review that way, I'm going to pretend to be a normal, on with the review!

Haze lets you play as either a merc that can get a performance boost with an enhancement drug called 'nectar' or a rebel that can perform feats such as playing possum. The nectar does come into play when you get into heated firefights, and playing online, you have the ability to revive fallen comrades within a certain time limit before they hit the dust. The weapons are your usual fare, the pistol acts like a real-world Desert Eagle (sometimes it seems all the games, they make the pistol the strongest weapon isn't it?) and the soundtrack isn't something you're likely to remember.

So here's where the Gamespot review is on target. Your teammates will run into your line of fire when you're shooting, bah, this has happened in other games so no big deal. Your teammates do act like fratboys and say things that are out of a Bill & Ted's Exxxcellent Adventure movie. The graphics are not up-to-date, and there's really not that much innovation in the game. So in terms of what this game has to contribute to the FPS scene, you can forget about it. Some of the cutscenes are drawn out and have emotionless dialogue, it appears that the writers were stoned when they wrote the script, some scenes will leave you scratching your head as to 'really, was that necessary' or 'that made no sense at all'. It's like you reading this review, and I'm telling you that I like to bake cookies - yep, it can be that random in the game.

In conclusion, this is a good game if you don't mind the story and just want to shoot things. If you want anything more than that, check out this game when it hits the bargain bin years later or avoid it all together.