PLEASE try this game, ignore the bad reviews

User Rating: 7 | Haze PS3
I tried the demo of this game and as a result didn't buy. After now finding it at a reduced price and buying it I am VERY happy that I didn't pass this game by.

The demo of Haze was quite boring and is composed of the first couple of checkpoints in the campaign, which are also boring. I think this was very poorly judged on Free Radical's part as it was enough to turn me off the game.

Having now bought the game and got near the end of the campaign I can say that Haze is actually one of the best shooters of last year! In particular it contains possible the best sequence of environments I have ever played through. The tanker/beach/resort/hotel sequence is mind bogglingly good. The pace is fantastic and the game performs like silk, never slowing for a second. Think Farcry crossed with Halo.

The range of possible actions for taking out Mantel troopers, weapon specials, disarms and play deads are VERY well realised. It gives the game a more thoughtful strategic element than a lot of the run and guns coming out at the moment. Sure, graphicaly it isnt perfect. Textures are sometimes dull and particle effects shoddy, but these aren't the things that make great gameplay. Personaly I am very happy to swap these for excellent frame rate.

Multiplayer is fun also. There are some interesting game modes, eg: assaulting a base to retrieve canisters of nectar. It is also stable and very fast unlike a lot of other multiplayers currently. Level design is intelligent and what is more you can play bots for practice.

All of this leads me to to a bit of a gripe. I can understand why a game like Resistance 2 may score higher than this game on gamespot because of graphics, but in EVERY other respect Haze is a better game. To award it a 6 is quite frankly suspicious. I am almost ready to declare shenanigans. I played 2 hours of resistance 2 and then traded it in, by contrast I played 6 hours straight of Haze yesterday. I know the counter-arguemnt to this is that I have odd taste, but that's not true. I play almost every game that comes out, so I know what I'm talking about. Trust me, Haze is very good. You can also pick it up for very cheap now, seeing as a lot of reviewers unfairly destroyed it.