
User Rating: 5 | Haze PS3

GOOD: Some of the action can be pretty cool sometimes.

BAD: Boring story, Clunky controls, Too short, Bad Graphics.

Haze is a FPS game creted by Free Radical (Now Crytek UK) the same guys that created the timesplitters serries yeah I know
what you're thinking this must be a great game? No Haze was hyped to be a halo killer and to be honest this game is no where
near halo let alone kill it. The main problem with this game is the graphics are a real letdown to me this looks like a really
good xbox game wich for a 2008 game is very rediculus. Another problem is the horrible story borring main characters basically
you're a space marine junkie that is hunting down someone but at one stage of the game you rebel against mantel and you start
hunting them down. The controls are very clunky i tell you the veichle sections are a pain the ass sometimes its better for you
to just walk on.

Overal haze is an ok game some of the animations and action can be pretty cool I guess. But don't waste your money on this game rent
it instead.
