Never think a game is good because of a cool cover...

User Rating: 3.5 | Haze PS3
Where do i start with this garbage?
STORYLINE: The story is forgettable. You join the Mantel army who are fighting rebels somewhere in South America. Then you capture the rebels leader and he tells you are fighting for the wrong side and you start fighting for him against the Mantel army.

GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is alright. It's pretty repetitive except for a few missions where you get to blow a bridge up or be in a helicopter. The AI though...OMG! Did the creators even bother. You can walk in front of people sometimes and they won't shoot you. It's too easy cause the enemies will just run at you and won't even take cover.

VOICE ACTING: This is probably the worst part of the game. Nobody ever shuts up. Even when there is no fighting going on they keep talking. Hearing "I might be the baddest mother****** on planet earth!" is cool the first 2 or 3 times you hear it, but after hearing it 100 times it makes you just wanna quit the whole game or at least put your tv on mute.

GRAPHICS: The graphics aren't horrible but they aren't 2008 PS3 worthy.

CONTROLS: You get used to the controls and used to using your nectar to heal and to basically just go crazy, but then, they take it away from you! Now L2 does nothing except for when you're hurt and all you can do is play like you're dead. Playing like you're dead is the stupidest idea ever. You fall down, can look around, but when it takes you forever to get up you're probably at about the same health as before you fell.

MULTIPLAYER: This is the only reason this game deserves even a 3.5. It's nothing really to brag about but it can be fun and isn't disastrous like everything else in the game.

If you wanna play a piece a crap game HAZE could be it. Unless you like playing crap don't buy this game, don't even rent it or borrow it from a friend.