So freakin innovative ... It created Artificial Stupidity .

User Rating: 1.5 | Haze PS3
This game is no doubt , the worst i have ever played . It wasn't me who bought it , it came with my PS3 so i figured i would give it a chance before trading it , especially as it is a PS3 exclusive ... How wrong was I .

The Good : Nectar is a simple try to immitate Crysis Nano-Suit .

The Bad : Artificial intelligence is nowhere to be found . Terrible story . Lame characters . F*** 'ed up shooting mechanics . Easier than finding an Elephant in your living room . Weapons suck . Gameplay is rubbish . You won't want to finish it . Makes you hate exclusives . You will want to break the CD on the head of who ever sold it to you . Did i mention how stupid , lame , and curse-filled the dialog is ? "Well , i really don't give a s*** dude ... like YEAH ! What you sayin' ... YEAH ! You wanna shove nectar in your ... palm : YEAH ! " Try listening to this during a 4 minute long cutscene and you'll easily be shooting yourself 30 seconds through .

Please , Please ... I warned you , don't ever ever ever ever ever buy nor rent this . Please , Please , Please ... I warned you . So again and again and again don't buy this . I can't get over the characters limit without cursing this game , so i am only writing these ligns so my review can be published . Please do not consider how silly i am talking , because this game is even sillier . Ok , i'm done ...