Is it really that bad?

User Rating: 7.5 | Haze PS3
You play as Sergeant Shane Carpenter, a Mantel trooper. As a Mantel trooper you use this drug called Nectar, it makes you stronger, faster and it makes your enemys glow so it's easier to see them. When you've played a number of levels as a trooper, your begining to get nectar disruptions, and begin to see how the war really is. Then you change sides to the Rebels, and you can't use nectar anymore, only for grenades and knifes (you'll see). But now you can roll and play dead, which will help you alot because you can now die easier when your a Rebel.

Every Mantel trooper (except you) is this alpha male stereotypical jarhead, that has absolutely no morality or sense of responsibility and they just simple enjoy killing for killing. Carpenter never seems to to expose himself to these emotions or these outbursts, which makes him stand out like a sort of thung compare to the rest of the people hes in the squad with. It almost makes you wonder why he signed up to begin with, especially when, as you start to play on through the game, you realise what a wimpy character this is, hes always lost, he's always whining about his missions, and he never really has a sense of really wanting to take charge of what hes done, theres no reason why you need to like this guy.

In the game, soldiers make use of 'Nectar'. Mantel uses this drug to control the minds of its soldiers. When administered, Nectar can control what a soldier sees, among other things, similar to the effects of a hallucinogenic drug. Nectar drowns out images of death and destruction (for instance, bodies will vanish). Nectar also reduces recoil, and allows the player to zoom in further while scoped. An overdose of Nectar is dangerous, with loss of mental control and death being possible side effects. Nectar also enhances the soldiers' fighting capabilities, allowing them to run faster and jump higher. They also receive a boost in reaction time. A Mantel soldier experiencing an overdose is shown by a change in their armor, changing in color from yellow to red.

Rebel soldiers may go in to a "Play Dead" state just before they are killed, allowing them to regenerate health and disappear from the Mantel soldiers' sight, since they can't see dead people while on Nectar. In addition, they exploit Mantel's dependence on Nectar by attacking the Nectar injector, extracting Nectar to use on throwing knives from dead Mantel troopers, and using the injector to create Nectar grenades. These Nectar-enhanced weapons will cause a Mantel trooper to overdose on Nectar, as will attacking the Nectar injector. Later in the game players also encounter special forces and overdosed soldiers that cannot be affected by Nectar-based weaponry. They can also steal a Mantel trooper's gun, dodge, and bury grenades in the ground as mines.

Story - 8

Characters - 7

Weapons - 7.5

Music - 7.5

Voice Acting - 7.5