Good times...

User Rating: 9.1 | Haunting Starring Polterguy GEN
This is probably one of the most fun Genesis games ever, scarying the heck out of everyone in the house! How fun is that?! You have so many options too! This is one of my favorite Genesis games, it's also two players too though you have to switch every time someone loses. How do you lose a game where you just scare the hell out of everyone? Well that's easy! You have to run out of Eco. How do you get Eco? Scare the hell out of people! Do it quick before the bar runs out! Once they are scared out of the room they spill Eco. There are lots of options to scare them out of the house which makes the game fun, but only like 3 levels or so... But whatever, scaring the hell out of people by making it look like your about to chop their asses off with a chainsaw, VERY fun!