great great game!!!, its just so.... addictive...

User Rating: 9.6 | Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon PS
The first time i saw this game i though : "darn, a game about a boring farm... what will come out next?"... but then... i got to play the game (i actually bougth it for curriosity). the game its "cute" so i played it for some time, and before i knew it, i was tottaly addicted to it.
the story of the game its simple, you are a young guy who´s grandfather passed away short ago, and he gave him his neglected farm, so you decide to leave the city and get "back to the nature". BUT (there had to be a "BUT") but you have one condition to keep the farm, "Mineral town"'s people told you to get the farm back in good condition before 3 years, or you would lose the farm... i am not really sure if theres a way to lose the farm, or what will happen if you keep neglected the farm those 3 years...
The time passes in the game about one minute each real time second, and theres just 4 month... or well... more like seasons. each season has 30 days, so theres 120 "days" each year. they seem like a lot.... and they FEEL like a lot once you play it. Each season you can farm different kind of vegetables, and you can make yourself of some farm animals, once you make enough money you can upgrade your weapons , ups, i mean TOOLs (i think this game has some RPG elements) and also you can upgrade you house and other things in the game.
This game is full of secrets and there are many characters with different stroies, also some of your desitions has permanent consequenses in the game, making this game more interesting and giving it some replay value.
The game doesnt end after those 3 years, i have met people who has game files of 7 years or so, (i made like 4 or 5, i dont remmember), but i bet some of the people will set their goal to 10 or 11 years, if you play a little you will know why (at least you cheat of course).
I simply love this game, is really worth to play. I recomend it, and i bet a lot of people do.