User Rating: 8.7 | Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life GC
I have been a fan of the Harvest Moon series since the first was released on the Super Nintendo. The series has always been strangely addicting and every new game, with the notable exception of Save the Homeland, has been better than its predecessors. A Wonderful Life is no exception. It is easy to get lost in the immersive world that Natsume has created and every new day in the game brings new challenges and surprises. There is a plethora of new features in A Wonderful Life that were not present in previous games in the series. You can grow hybrid plants and watch the characters in the game grow up and age. Marriage makes its return after being left out of the previous Harvest Moon and you can raise your child from toddler to adult. In short, there is a wide variety of activities in the game that ensures that you can replay it over and over. The graphics in the game are not terrible, but admittedly, there are games that are more graphically appealing. This is not to the detriment of the game however, because graphics have never been Harvest Moon’s strong point. The sounds are pleasing and relaxing, however, a wider variety of music would have helped. You can find new music if you have a Game Boy Advance and the new Harvest Moon game on it, however, I do not have the game boy game and cannot comment on this. I would recommend this game to anybody who was a previous fan of the series, adults with children who want to give their kids a ‘family friendly’ experience, and newcomers. I must warn you about something however, you might spend a lot of time in front of the game and not realize it. It is that addicting.