Extremely Addicting and a great addition to the series.

User Rating: 8 | Bokujou Monogatari: Oh! Wonderful Life PS2
This is the second harvest moon game i have played and i love it XD. Tho the game seems kinda slow at times, it still keeps one coming for more. The game itself may sound a bit boring but it works very well to keep you addicted.

You begin on a ranch. From there you can decide what you want to do to start off. You can go buy some seeds and plant them, you can goto town to meet people,or you can just goto the bar to have a drink all of its fun.

One bad thing i must say tho is that the game is very un user friendly. They tell you the basics but after that its pretty much just trial and error. I had to look online on howto make fodder to keep my cows and horses living.

But after you get the hang of it youll find yourself spending hours upon hours trying to build up your farm.

There is very little that the special edition has that the gc version didnt. They added a new girl you can marry, changed the name of some plants, mostly little things of that nature. So in that sense it doesnt really deserve the title special edition.

Overall i believe the game to be very fun and addicting, well worth the cheap price tag.