This game would seem boring, but it isn't surprisingly.

User Rating: 9.2 | Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life GC
This game is about farming, it would seem boring but it is actually quite fun. You start off as a guy who owns this farm with this other guy whose name is tatakura, he doesn't really do anything for you accept buy and sell items. He must be in debt to you or something because you recieve all the money and things. During the coarse of the game you must get married to one of three girls, you choose and you have a child and he progresses as each chapter goes by, you can influence him to go down a certain career path of your choosing, and he will eventually get married to one of two girls, it depends on who you married to begin with. while all this is happening you work on your farm, at the beginnig you will not make much money since you only have one cow and can not make hybrid crops. After you make some money you will be able to buy new animals and you will eventually be able to make a lot of money, especially with trees and the seedmaker.
There is more to do in this game then just farm, though, you must make friendships with some of your neighbors, it will come in handy later, since some of the give you very valuable items and even pets. You could also go to the dig site, to the bar, or go fishing. This game will consume a lot of free time. A must buy.