Not a game for people that love the old harvest moon formula

User Rating: 5.3 | Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life GC
I've been a fan of harvest moon since I picked up Back to Nature for the playstation. I've been with it from it's days on N64 and playstation, up to the gamecube installment, eagerly awaiting on wii installment, and even went as far as to play the hand held versions. Yet Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life disappoints.
Harvest Moon has always been an open ended farming game with few necessary goals, allowing me to openly farm, make friends, make enemies, and to marry when I feel the time is right. These are the things I've found to make this the addicting little series it is, but A Wonderful Life takes some of the open ending play away.
There are now goals I have to make in a set amount of time, I am require to marry or my game ends, I'm made to skip time to make their story line fit, and the game goes as far as to make me stop playing after so long.
Sadly this Harvest Moon was a disappointment, and after my data was corrupted I felt no will to redo all the work that I'm generally more than happy to do in other Harvest Moon games.
In the end this installment felt more like a chore than the great games I've come to love.