Good for awhile....

User Rating: 6.5 | Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life GC
Harvest Moon AWL was the first Harvest Moon on the Nintendo Gamecube and it is a solid game. For those who are new to the series, the game revolves around you making a farm. It sounds kind of boring, but you can also go fishing , mining, and socializing. What I mean by socializing is you can befriend the various town folk and even marry one of the girls in the town, eventually leading to a child. Now for my review of AWL:
The Good:
Graphics/Music- The graphics are probably one of the best things about the game. Harvest Moon usually has cartoon or blocky graphics, but this one changed to more realistic graphics and it looks great. The only minor problem I can say is that the characters are a little sloppy, but that can be over looked. The music is also
pretty good but they are only in building and your farm. Everywhere else it is completely silence except for some birds chirping in the back round and water flowing which is pretty nice.

Heart Scene- These are actually more interesting in this game then others in the series. For those who have not played the past series, a heart scene is a scene that is with your picked girl after their hearts are raised. You raise their hearts by giving them gifts.

Child- The new great thing about this game is the amount a interactivity with your child. You get your child right after you get married and they are toddler. Through the chapters they get older and older. You get to influence your child on how they act and what carrier he will get into when he grows up. These carriers include being a scientist, athlete, musician, ect. You influence your child by carrying your child to the person in town who has the same profession as what you want your child to be. (At his first stage) Another way of influencing your child is to give him stuff related to the job you want him to have. Their are other ways but you could find that out for your self if you decide to by the game. Their are three different types of kids depending on who you marry. They have different looks and personalities that will effect how hard or easy it will be to influence your child for a certain job.
Festivals- To the best of my knowledge this game only has 4 events and all of them are only cut scenes. Their is absolutely no interaction with these festival what so ever. In past harvest moon games, there were competitions and stuff to do, but in this one you only get to see a scene. So these festivals are only worth going once because it is pretty much the same every year.

Mining- Mining is also a huge disappointment in this game because the mines are really small and you get a small amount of things while mining. In other harvest moons you have a big area to mine in, with a variety of things to get.

Fishing- The problem with fishing is that their is limited amount of fish t0o catch. It would have been munch better if we had more different types of fish to get.

Repetitive- Most Harvest moon games get repetitive after awhile, but this one get repetitive much faster because of the lack of things to do and the amount of things you again and again. The other part of the reason is the time it take to get one day to the the next. One hour in the game is 1 minute in real life, so one day takes 24 minutes to complete. You will eventually get so bored that you start to skip days by sleeping all the time so you can see what is going to happen next in the town and your child. Even when you sleep it take hours to complete the game that way.
Bottom line is that you should rent this game and not buy it. You will enjoy the game for awhile until you run out of things to do. It seem to me Marvelous spent most of it's time concentrating on the child and forgot about the rest of the game.

Total rating:6.5