Fun at the begining, then the morphine wears off.

User Rating: 5.1 | Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup XBOX
The first few times you play this game, it is somewhat entertaining, but then you wonder why you are playing this boring game. If you somehow manage to keep playing, it starts to just hurt you.

The game starts out with you and the opposing team trying to score goals. This part is ridiculously easy. You just always steal the ball and then score. They will rarely be able to score against you. And then when something happens that I still haven't figured out, the x-box decides it is time to chase the snitch. While catching the snitch takes some effort, this is almost easier than the other challenge. Once, just to see, I did nothing during this part and 15 minutes later the other team finally managed to catch the snitch. If you try it takes a minute or two. If you fake trying, it takes about 5.

Multiplayer is even worse. Same system but the games basically grind down to sitting in the middle of the field, stealing the ball, then having it stolen from you, and this process repeating until you chase the snitch.

All in all, do not buy this game unless you are looking for a game that you will always win because you can't beat any other game. Maybe not even then.