starts out fun but gets old fast.

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup GC
the harry potter books are some of the lbest books of all time. with every good serices there has to be a bad game to go with it. the game in question is harry potter quidditch world cup. quidditch for any one who has not read the book is a spot simerler to soccer. the game trys so hard to bring the action of the game to cinsloes but the end rezults not so good. you begin at hogwarts where you pick a house to learn the ropes of the game. after the tutoreal you get to play the game. you play mostly as the chaser you score points and wait for the snich to be fond. after you have play about 4 games you get to compete in the world cup. this is where the game starts to get boring. the game is not very deep so you will be doing the same thing all the time. the sound is very bad the commatary is poor they don't say anything inportant. overall this game should be rented frist if
you like it buy it becuse the mulitiplayer is fun.