Repetitive gameplay, sluggish controls, and horrible graphics are the reasons I rate this game mediocre.

User Rating: 5.5 | Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup PC
Gameplay 5
Graphics 3
Sound 8
Value 5
Tilt 6

Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup is the first attempt the simulate the magical sport of the wizards, Quidditch. The result? Terrible.

Almost the entire game is at the Chaser Mode. However, the gameplay is repetitive. All you do is tackle (which you can do even if you are 20 feet away) and shoot. The other game modes don't offer much either.

The graphics are just horrible. They are a disgrace. My eyes started bleeding when I first played this game. All the characters look terrible.

The sound is great, the only good thing in this game. Very good commenting and nice sound effects.

This game just ain't worth it. Why spent money in this game? Even if you are a hardcore Harry Potter fan, this game doesn't deserve money spent on it.

I strongly suggest: Do not buy this game.