A Crappy spinoff? No way!

User Rating: 7.8 | Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup PC
The game-play of Harry Potter Qudditch is basically similar to some of the other sport sims out there, with a bit of Harry thrown in. Not that this is a bad thing on the contrary this game is quite enjoyable once you get used to it. One of the things about the game that is a little bit sad is that you can't choose when you are going to control which sort of player. For example when the match first starts you can only play the three chasers. the beaters can only be used once you have enough combo points (from chasers) and the keeper only when the opposing team is going to shoot. Lastly the seeker which is the thing that most upsets me. You can only use the seeker when you have got enough combo points or goals. Although the game-play is good it could have been better.



The multi-player of this game is full of fun but in my opinion incredibly unbalanced and easy to win. for example whoever gets the snitch first if they have even one shred of gaming ability in them they will almost always win. Once you unlock the secret arena it will be even more unbalanced because of the quirky camera angles for player one. But fun is fun so even though it is far from perfect it is still fun.


Replay Value

As I have said earlier this game is incredibly fun but once you have won all the cards and been through the world cup a few more times there isn't really a lot to do. Well actually there is the multi-player but that is only fun for so long.



The graphics in this game are not what you 'ld expect with all those team members moving about and the 4 balls. They are actually quite good. The little cut-scenes fit together seamlessly. With colourful and convincing arenas like France and England the atmosphere it creates is quite magical.


So a quick summary

+ Great fun
+ Excellent graphics
+ Multi-player

- Small replay value
- Repetitive Game-play

Total Score 7/10

This is a great game and a great buy especially now it's gone platinum