
User Rating: 8.5 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PC
The first harry potter film was really bad and cheesy yet the game was great.
The voices for the characters were reasonable yet the noise he made when he jumps is very annoying. Their clothing was really bad as well because when you ran the cape was still dead straight.

There is also limited music to the game and after about 15 minutes of playing it you begin to get annoyed. Really harry potter himself is really annoying and ron is ( i think ) the only good character in the film and game because Hermione is very nippy and irritating ( i hate her .. until the later films when she is sort of hot ).

The reason i like the game as much as i do is because you get to wander about the castle. The castle is not really big or small but for what is there is i still like it.

The fight at the end of the game against professor quarrel or what ever is name is was rather disappointing as he keeps laughing when he is dieing and when you kill him you get an annoying clip of harry killing him after you did.