Wow first the book then the movie then the game. Its getting better and better.

User Rating: 9 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PS2
Harry Potter and the sorceres stone is a really fun game. Like the movie you are Harry Potter and you will do all the stuff like in the movie. You will go to Gringotts to pick out your wand, you go to classes and go get the spellbooks, and you play the hard game of quidditch. Now its a great awesome game theres really nothing wrong with it. Except for some characters look somewhat cartoony. Proffessor Snape doesn't look like he does in the movie. You also go to his class and have to get potion ingredients. While this is sort of hard to find where the ingredients some of your friends will tell you where the ingredients are, such as Hagrid, Hermione, and sometimes Professor Snape. You also have to sneak out to get certain stuff. And you also have to go to the trap door and stop Professor Quirrell and Lord Voldermort from getting the Sorceres's stone. Its pretty fun catching the key, killing the devil's snare, and playing chess. Its all like the movie. If you are a Harry Potter fan this game is a no-brainer and if you've seen the movie and want more its almost like you have to buy this game. In my book it gets a 9/10