Harry's first appearance in the Harry Potter video game franchise.

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PC
The Good: Good voice-acting, going for lessons is at times fun.

The Bad: Graphics are not good, camera control is not that good, environments are not that attractive. Nothing to do when you finish the game.

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was a famous story book for children and adults and so were the movies, although the last two movies have been a bit mediocre.

Harry Potter is a boy who is a wizard but doesn't know that until he is sent a letter from Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry, and is picked up by Hagrid to come to Hogwarts.

You play the game as Harry and you are allowed to explore Hogwarts in a somewhat 3D world. You can interact with fellow classmates and play Quidditch, go for lessons when you are supposed to and do some side quests. You will be doing the exploring with your friends at times like Ron and you will look for the lost brains in order to get to Snape's class.

The story follows the same way like the movie, you'll even get to go to Diagon Ally where you will do some odd jobs to go further in the game. You'll even visit the bank in Diagon Ally.

The controls are quite simple and easy to get used to, Harry can jump off ledges and cliffs automatically, you can Z-target in a sort of way, perform spells and if you hold the spell button for some time you will perform a stronger spell. You will also collect beans and give to Fred and George to get some of the important items in the game. You can play against a team in Quidditch.

The game is rather a simple game with some set backs, but altogether one play through or a rent is good enough.