A more refined product than the first two games in the series

User Rating: 6 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC
While the first 2 games in the series seemed more like edutainment than 'real' computer games, the third installment shows some promise. It is not as if The Prisoner of Azkaban brings much more to the basic principles of the first two games, but a graphical makeover, as well as some tweaks here and there, gives the game a much needed boost through its production values. The story takes backseat to the gameplay, though, so don't expect a new angle to the brilliant story - or any real coherence between your actions and the progression to the main story of the book.
The games focus seem to be the preparations for the final exams on Hogwarts, and exploring the school. It may not sound ambitious, but as the logic behind the various puzzles and the general flow of the game is as good as it is, the third game actually feels more fresh than the first two.

The improved graphics (don't expect UT2004 graphics though) and support for higher resolutions (the first two was capped at 1024*768) gives the game a much needed polish, and the new focus on teamwork is a welcome addition - don't worry though, the teamwork aspect works automatically, and the only difference to the gameplay is, that sometimes you'll have to press the spell button a little longer. .

The game takes somewhere between 5-7 hours to play through for an average gamer, and considering the content, thats a fair length (because the game is a part of a boxset now being sold for around 15$)

All things considered, its a worthwhile experience, especially for younger generation.