I didn't expect a game for kids to entertain me, but this one surprisingly managed!

User Rating: 7.5 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC
I must go a little „awww" and simper a bit. I would've never expected such kids game could pošibly entertain me. And yet it did! This really is an incredibly nice abreaction game. Literally an awesome relax. No nerves, it's practically impossible to die…it's all just colors, supercute dragon, **** of beans, pumpkins, and something that reminds me of an onion sauce. Although surprisingly enough the game is especially rich on a fun trouble-free gameplay, and if I ignore the unbelievably short game time and few occasional flaws, the game doesn't even feel too unfinished. What more can you ask for after a hard day?

Granted, it's funny how Hermione wasn't taught to step backwards and to the sides while all the boys possess this knowledge. And it's sad how the PS2 version is a completely different, way better game, which as opposed to this version has full-valued cutscenes, puzzles, has much better animations, the game time is standard and the gameplay is far more mature. But I really can't complain. This game basically outdid my expectations, which I actually didn't have at all.

+ It's simply so calm and peaceful and relaxing, it's insanely cute at times

- Hermione notably lacks some animations, insanely short, insanely easy (although I don't really complain about that), it's quite a poop next to the PS2 version