Cool, play with magic, be Harry Potter, sounds like fun right? And it is, if it lasted longer.

User Rating: 7 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PS2
The game is fun, got great mechanics and really functions quite well for what it imitates, and of course the story is excellent too. The problem with this game is the time and difficulty. It was obviously made to be played by literally everyone. A 10 year old girl can play this game and never have to worry about not winning. This made it way to easy for people that are really use to playing video games. And there was almost no customization to each of the individual players though there was a bit which was kind of nice.
Also, the amount of time you actually get to play as Harry Potter is very limited. Most of this game is all cinematic and when you do play, there is very little to do and very little difficulty in it. The only one difficult part would have to be the very end. So ya, one last actual challenge and then GAME OVER!
All in all, not a good game for experiences players unless you really, REALLY want to be Harry Potter and are a really big fan of the series, but a good game for any newbie to start out with and have fun playing.