A terrible waste of a game.

User Rating: 5 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix X360
Game Review-Xbox 360-Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets

Review 147

Released: June 25, 2007
Publisher: EA Games
Game Genre: Fantasy Action Adventure
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10+
ESRB Description: Fantasy Violence

Story: 30%
Gameplay: 40%
Graphics: 20%
Durability: 10%

Story (5/10)
The problem with 99.9% of all movie-based video games is that they skip around the events that occurred in the movie, which in cases like Harry Potter, have butchered the scenes that occurred in the book. This results in not only short gameplay, but a lame story that makes no sense. This is what happens in this game. The real meat of the story does not occur until the end of the game. This is no joke. There is about 30 minutes of gameplay that even deals with the events in the book. 90% of this game is locating members of Dumbledore's army and doing quests for them.

Gameplay (4/10)
As it is with the storyline, so it is with the gameplay. Other than running around doing silly little quests, there is perhaps an hour at the most in this game that you actually fight. The 'fights' I speak of are just corny little duel in which you simply circle around the enemy you are fighting and tap the right analog stick a few times to cast spells.

Graphics (5/10)
The graphics are very bad compared to many other games that are on the Xbox 360. In fact, I don't remember seeing a game with worse graphics.

Durability (7/10)
The only part of the game that can even be called mediocre is its length. It is a decently long game, with many discoveries and mini-games that unlock things, plus many mini-quests of sorts that unlock things as well, and some extra quests after you've won the game.

Overall Score (4.8/10)
Rounded Score (5/10)

Final Thoughts:
A terrible waste of a game.