Gameplay is questionable, controls are a mess. This game doesn't translate well to Wii.

User Rating: 4 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix WII
I've bought every Harry Potter game since I got Sorcerer's Stone for the GBA when I was eight years old, and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them, even though the objective was questionable and the games were very straightforward and linear. But they were fun little gems. This one is my only exception. The game somewhat follows the events of the movie, but not a whole lot, about half was left out, and some things didn't even happen in the book OR the movie, which leads me to believe that EA is just making up events on the spot.

You run around Hogwarts as Harry doing random stuff that EA made up (even though I can forgive them somewhat, they had to put some kind of challenge into the game, but you have to draw the line somewhere), and some things from the movie until you do the final battle against none other than Voldemort. However, the fight with Voldemort is simple and posed no challenge at all. Ironic how the rest of the game is extremely frustrating.

You use the Wiimote to cast spells and stuff, and the Nunchuk to move around. The controls are awkward and don't feel right , you have to press Z and move in the direction you want to run (you have to press a button to run! DO NOT WANT). The Wiimote is unresponsive. You pretty much have to be throwing your remote at your TV to get the game to recognize that you're casting a spell and then decide to do it for you. There's a targeting system, but it's extremely sloppy, you just move the Wiimote to who you want to target. Sound easy? It's not. If you're interacting with two or three objects at a time, you're gonna have to target everything in sight before you can get to what you want, and that makes the game a lot more frustrating. The other thing is the length of the game. There's really no depth at all, except when you beat it, you start an Endless Day, which means you can wander around and try to find everything if you want. I was at 51% when I beat the game, but I wasn't motivated at all to try and find anything else. Now for my ratings.


There's no depth at all, you just run around Hogwarts doing stuff. Very linear.

STORY: 5/10

The game loosely follows the events of the movie, which isn't bad, but they could've included a little more


Most of the characters in the game were voiced by the original actors (except Harry, he sounded all weird) in the movie, and the characters are pretty realistic.

GRAPHICS: 8.5/10

The graphics are actually not bad. They're not fantastic though. It's nothing a Gamecube or a PS2 can't do, for example.

And there you have it. All I can say is EA hasn't scored this time.