What happened!?!?

User Rating: 7 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix WII
Being the obsessive Harry Potter fan I am, I was overexcited when I found out OOTP was coming out for the Wii. Why? Four words: Wii remote as wand. How cool! I could cast spells, and really feel as if I were a witch. Unfortunately, this game wasn't as duel filled as I had hoped. Instead, I ran around Hogwarts doing errands for various people. Since when does Harry find plants for other people? NEVER. The few duels I did experience were fun, but were lacking. This would have been so much better in first person! I mean really, you would feel as if you were actually Stupifying Lucius Malfoy. And who doesn't want to to that? The controls were a bit messed up, Incendio was a very awkward Wii remote movement. I ended up turning the remote on its side and shaking it then.

If you're looking for a duel filled action game, leave this one one the shelf. If you want to explore Hogwarts and cast some spells, pick it up.