Calm down people

User Rating: 8.5 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PS3
Well I must admit I expected more from this game. I would have believed there would be much more gameplay and captivating activities to do around Hogwarts, compared to the Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix really delivers. I unearthed a couple of weeks ago and was delighted as I replayed it. Sure, it's easy to beat but a lot of fun can be had roaming about Hogwarts hexing Slytherins and filling up the Room of Rewards. I do expect more from the next game in the franchise but the fact that you can roam through the school and grounds after the actual game is a keeper. I have on the PS3 so the graphics are extremely rich and the castle's details are the same as the film. The graphics rock. One of the disappointing parts was the fact that key parts of the book and movie were omitted in the game, you spend virtually no time in Grimmauld place and you don't attend any classes. I think one of the best things they could do for the next game is integrating classes. Having to spend normal school days with Harry would be a really cool experience.