New year, new Harry Potter game. But is this just a cash-in-movie licensed game?

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix X360
Harry potter is one of those series that ignores presentations: Everybody knows who is that tennage wizard with an odd scar on his forehead. And you may also know that the new book-based videogame brought some intersting innovations on the series.

Once you play the game, you will know what I mean, but I will try to make it clear here.

The new Harry Potter game is, like before, an average game. It's worse flaws reside on the progressing scheme, the weak controls and the missing pieces of the storyline.

But lets make on thing clear: The gameplay is totally new and it's fun for the firts hours. Bassicly, you will spend most time of the game chasing students on a gigantic castle and reparing things in your way.

And althought Hogwarts is fun to explore at first, that felling will quickly dissapear. The casting-spells system is intersting: You press a button to draw your wand and move the right analog to cast any spell you want. But there is a problem.

Despite casting being fun, the controls are a bit broken: You will find yourself casting the wrong spell more than once.

Hogwarts may look beautiful and the characters realistic enough, but Order of the Phoenix isnt that much fun.

But the truthis that this is the best game in the series of HP. Yougsters will apreciate the design and combat and adults will enjoy the quality audio, but be advised: if your not a fan, stay away.

The Good:
Realistic recreation of Hogwarts - Ocassionally fun combat - Decent voice acting - Open-ended system grants you some extra gaming hours.

The Bad:
Gameplay doesnt offer much variety - Controls have too many flawls - Story is very poorly explained or explored - Graphics wont impress you.