This game is quite good after all...

User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince PS2
The story of the game is surprisingly better than the movie...
It shows a lot from the book, that wasn't on the movie.
The gameplay is good, you just need to remember a few spells.
The enemies are way too easy... after you get it.
There are a lot to collect, as of extras.
The scenery is great. You get to explore the Hogwarts un-shown on the movies, it is fun to run from side to side.
There is a bit of humor that is amusing.
The voice acting is remarkable.
The Quidditch is very fun, though too simple.
The potion's making is one of the funniest features of the game.
It's very fun.
The dueling feature is good also. Too easy, but fun to play.
The bad part is that the game is way too short. And it ends before you even notice. Though you can still explore the castle to collect what you left behind.
It all makes an enjoyable game for fans.