Although a fun game, there's too little to do, and the game is over within a single sitting.

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince PS3
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the first Harry Potter game I've actually been able to play through and enjoy myself while doing so. This game is a strict rental, however, because I was done with the game after only about 4 hours. This game has little lasting appeal, and will likely be collecting dust on your shelf unless you decide to get rid of it.

GAMEPLAY - This game is comprised of three mini-games that make up this game: flying around on your broom, dueling other students, and mixing potions. While these are all pretty fun in their own way, once the game is over this is all you have to do. The rest of the game is just walking around the school collecting crests and exploring. The mini-games are pretty fun, but I can't see them being a reason to keep coming back to this game. - 8/10

STORY - Just like how the movie is an abridged version of the book, this game is an abridged version of the movie. The key points are included, but it feels so rushed that you may not catch everything that's going on. I would recommend seeing the movie or reading the book before playing this, because there isn't really much of a story here to speak of. - 6.5/10

GRAPHICS - The environments look fine, but the character models look very stiff and awkward in their movements. Harry Potter himself is the only person in this game who actually looks good. - 6.5/10

SOUND - The music is taken from the movies, so you can't really complain there. The voice actors are actually pretty close to their movie counterparts. It's a shame they couldn't get the cast from the movies, but understandable at the same time. - 7.5/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Like I said, this game is only a few hours long. Nowhere near worthy of you going out and paying more than $10 for it. There really isn't any replay value either, since the story is basically the mini-games over and over again. Basically there's no reason to play through this more than once, and afterwords all you can do is the three mini-games over and over again. - 4.5/10

BOTTOM LINE - Unless you're buying this game for kids, this is strictly a rental only. It's fun for a couple of days, but you'll get bored of it after awhile. Hardcore gamers should pretty much just avoid this game entirely, because it almost amounts to a wasted trip to pick this up and a wasted trip to take it back. Casual gamers will probably like this though because of the mini-games, but since there are only three, this game doesn't have a ton of lasting appeal. - 6.5/10