This Action Adventure game based on the book by JK Rowling is quite disappointing.

User Rating: 6 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince PS2
This Action Adventure game based on the book by JK Rowling is quite poor.

Graphics: 18/20
Great graphics, scenery is fantastic, characters look perfect, and the castle is much more realistic.

Gameplay: 10/20
You can walk, run, and fly (quidditch). The bad thing is you can barely turn when your running, and the blurriness makes me feel sick.

Storyline: 6/20
You basically do two things in this game: make potions, and duel. Which can get really boring after a while. But I do like the way you make spells.

Audio: 7/10
Not bad.

Sidequests: 8/10
Lots of stuff to do. Dueling clubs, Potions club, and collecting crests.

Other: 8/20
Voice Acting: 4/10 Most are pretty bad, like all HP games.
Easiness to Learn: 4/10 It's sometimes hard to know what to do.

Total: 57/100 = 5.7/10 (5.5)
I bought this game, played it 2 hours in a row, finished it, and wished I never bought it. It ends abruptly, it basically has nothing to do with the book, the list goes on and on. I was very disappointed.