getting better but darn still not yet

User Rating: 7 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince PC
yeah this game would have got my best review of a harry potter game because of its improved mouse support and easyer controls but kind of falls short on content because the game is bascailly this walking,duals,potion making,flying thats it no real missions no objects blocking you and they cut the free roaming down a bit sad but true and they still have not made another game with puzzles creatures and exploreing nope the most exploreing youll do in this game is finding dumb useless creast and finding the next dual or flying course of course not all is bad the flying is fun at times and so is potion making but dualing can be really easy and a waste of time but if you dont like these mini games to bad because the main game is basically about doing mini games really no joke It surprized me to but its true the game is basically a big mini game beacuse all the quest are about doing a mini game and when you think this is kind of fun but when will the action start but sadly the game ends and your like huh? but it just started so the reason I gave it a kind of high score is becasue of improved gameplay and kind of fun mini games but now that the last harry potter movies are on there way I fear that ea will never get it back to how the old games where and make the last game inproved but not quite just like the last three games ohh ea will you ever get it right