Atrocious sums it up...

User Rating: 1.4 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PC
Stay far away from this one.

I have not played the previous games in the series, so I cannot provide a comparison. But this game is shocking, it feels like a game built to a budget.

Very boring, terrible graphics, and clumbsy to play. And the worst part is that it only vaugley follows the plot of the book. In fact, the title is the only thing it has in common with the novel.

There is not one good thing to say about this game. The pathetic ingame movies are there purley to fill in the plot. And if your looking for a imersive good looking game, run from this. There are no graphics options. The game action boring and scripted, with very little to do. Kill creatures, put out fires and move rocks.

I am a big fan of the novels and movies. This game is so bad, it doesn't even fall short of expectations. EA should be ashamed. I find it funny that the plaster their logo all over the game, with intro movies you cannot skip.

Don't support shoddy games that are designed to leech off the franchise.
