It is a movie based game that is good for rent first buy later and is a rare type but is too full of light.

User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire XBOX
The game does not capture the greatest features of the movie or book. It should of been a M15+ game than a colourful kids game but I try to focus on the the game's good spots rather than the bad ones. Goblet of Fire has a slightly reasonable tutorial that does teach the basics that are needed and the game kicks off from the Death Eater attack at the Quidditch world cup which is mostly a part of the tutorial. Voice acting is alright but where was the actual cast? I mean that the voice of Voldermort was done by the actual actor but the voices of Harry Potter etc are messed up by people that not actually famous.

Graphics are quite impressive but do not capture the movie's environments properly. Gameplay is fun and does not show much technical problems like lots of other Harry Potter games. The maps are reasonably good in the way the terrain is set out. Character design is alright and the creature designs are weird as they are impressive. The game has an arsenal of many items like beans which is a collectible like many other games have as add ons to make it more fun than it already is. Lighting is great and beautiful as you can see in the level called the Lake.

I would like to close this review with a comment on the game's ability to be one of those rare movie based games that actually work out......well it does but only slightly. Oh! and the game is quite easy.