It's ok. I prefer that J.K. Rowling (author of the series) could have looked over the game before it came out.

User Rating: 6.9 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire GC
It's ok. I would have prefered that J.K. Rowling (author of the series) could have looked over the game before it came out. Now that I mention it, she should have looked over the movie as well because the movie was lacking alot of important stuff that was in the book the helped the story go along. I just didn't like the repetitive stuff. It annoyed me that Mad-Eye made me go back outside the grounds to finish the task, when he didn't explain what I needed to do exactly. I just go sick and tired of it so I just tried to amuse my self by talking to people and see if I can find anymore Burty Bots every flavor beans.