Great game to share. Inspires young readers!

User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya GC
I bought this game for my kids to play through the adventure of Harry Potter. I had read some reviews to see if it was suited for younger children. Most parent websites said the content was safe for kids 5 and older, so I bought this game. Unfortunately, some of the content is too scary for younger children. The early stages of the game, where Harry acquires his school supplies, fights a tree, and learns how to fly his Nimbus 2000 are pretty tame. But, when we got to the library and discovered the banshees my kids didn't want to play the game anymore with me.

Regardless, the sound effects are spot on, and the voice acting is really nice. The ambient music adds suspense and levity when necessary. However, there are a few glitches in the game. Harry jumps when close to a ledge; sometimes he jumps when not intended. The camera is difficult to control when it is behind Harry and his back is toward a corner, which makes fighting and jumping long distances even more difficult than it should be. Harry never puts his wand away during gameplay. Yet, during the cutscenes he usually doesn't have his wand in hand. Some of the fight scenes begin without much introduction. For example, before Harry leaves the library a battle between a Slitheran and Harry starts. There is no intro to this battle. ???

In any case, the beautiful graphics, music, and colorful characters have inspired my kids to read the Harry Potter books with me. If a video game can inspire children to read, then it is well worth the money!