If youve ever wanted to wait half an hour for a level to load this is the game for you!

User Rating: 5.5 | Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya PS2
With some cute graphics and fun missions Harry Potter and the chamber af secrets really grows on you but... err how do I put this.... ANYWHERE YOU GO THE GAME HAS 2 LOAD AND IT TAKES ABOUT AN HOUR so if yove can play on a game for six hours and not get bored of it, this is the game for you it is also pretty fun to cast spells at stuff but whenever hermione is talking put ur T.V on mute her voice is annoying and will make you want to smash ur T.V!

The good:cute graphics, cute voice acting ,cute story Cute Everything
The Bad: The voice acting is annoying and takes up to much of the game

Here is what you do in the game
10% listening to boring and annoying voice acting 70% waiting for it 2 load 10% sneaking about 15%getting caught for sneaking about 5% blowing up jars with spells and opening chests

in general if your not as picky as me its a O.K game but Heres some advice: Bring a book!