Amazingly fun for a GBA game.

User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets GBA
This game is amazing. it is simply amazing for a GBA game. Ive never seen a GBA game like it. Its perfect in every single way. EA games have done it again. They couldnt have captured Harry Potter in a GBA game unless it was EA who were making it. I simply cant believe it.

The graphics are spectacular. GBA games are usually crap in the graphics area but this game takes the cake. Ive never known a GBA game like it. The colours may look horrible compared to a PS2 version but you have to remember its a handheld.

The gameplay is fantastic, the way you can shoot spells with just the push of a button is actually good. The sound is exactly right, which means, non of that half an hour later stuff. i think its worth its money and i give it an 8.0.

Id buy it if I were you.