Not so much 'Truck' more 'Lorry'

User Rating: 8 | Hard Truck 2 PC
Hard Truck 2 was really, more of a 'Lorry 2' due to it wasnt transport trucks, it was almost all the time trucks with fixed backs on them

Gameplay \\ 9/10

This game rocks, it was so fun being the truck driver, hiring on people, and being in the drivers seat of anything from a Police Car, to an 18-Wheeler. Good controls, and just overall an above average experiance.

Audio \\ 8/10

With this truck game, its just good to see that they got good sounds for the trucks, even though they sound alot alike, even though they are different trucks.

Graphics 4/10

Lazy designers, they had 2D objects, and just bland layouts for the maps. Cities too small, and highway lanes too thin. Just was slopped together in this department.

Overall, this is a bargain game, and you can get it for like $1.99, so go get it, and enjoy this one!