Hard Hitter Tennis is a fair tennis game that takes a while to get used to.

User Rating: 6.5 | Centre Court: Hard Hitter PS2
Hard Hitter Tennis lets you play as a few no-named characters. Okay, it's got descent gameplay and everything, but sme of the girl characters look like boys! I was stuck playing as this fat woman who's face looked like a mans! And of course, on the charcter selcetion screen, they only show the face. You can craete your own characters too, but the character creation is not that pleasing.

The Good:
-Descent gameplay with pretty simple controls
-Good training tutorials
-Many places to play and many characters to play as
-Descent Career mode
-Great Multiplayer

The Bad:
-Worst character creation ever
-Some girl charcaters look like boys
-Most characters are fat
-Not very good with a multitap
-Character models are ugly

Well, overall, Hard Hitters isn't the best tennis game around, but it's still good. It is cheap, and you can probably get it used for $2. It is a descent tennis sim that you may or may not enjoy, but it's a pretty good choice.Hard Hitter Tennis is a fair tennis game that takes a while to get used to.

Overall, 6.5/10