A hilarious, heart-pounding roller-coaster ride of rolling rodents.

User Rating: 9 | Hamsterball PS3
I was a little under-whelmed by the idea of a hamster in a ball. But it's fun. Hilarious fun. Essentially the aim of this game is to guide your ever-so-cute little hamster-in-a-ball through a seemingly endless precession of mind-bogglingly colourful levels. Now this may sound less than thrilling, but nothing could be further from the truth. This hammy can move, and at times, rivals the Great Blueness in terms of sheer speed. There are, however, times during certain levels, where you must slow down to a crawl, and precision is of paramount importance. This makes for a very challenging, and extremely rewarding game.

As I hinted already, the visuals are spectacular, and move exceedingly well. The music is suitably madcap and often contributes to the ensuing hilarity. This is best played with friends, and at a fair distance from the screen, as those visuals are likely to induce the mother of all migraines.

For such a simple game, Hamster Ball is surprisingly addictive and when played with friends, instantly entertaining.