A fan made Halo game for Halo fan gamers.

User Rating: 6.2 | Halo Zero PC
Side scrolling games are old news, but sometimes they manage to come out with something new never seen before, and make it fun to play. Sadly, this game does not do anything new with side scrollers, but it's Halo: Nuff Said.

Value is great. It's free.

Gameplay is average, didnt see anything new with side scrollers, graphics are never good on side scrollers, but because of the well-drawn characters, it gets an average. Sound is great, it uses all the sound we remember from the original game.

Overall, it's free, it's Halo, might as well check it out if you are a crazy psycho Halo fan who must have everything there is to be had with Halo.

Sadly there was no story, or anything. Basically its the story before Halo, throwing Master Chief everywhere on Reach and fighting covenant badies. It's too bad there wasnt much story here, because thats what Halo is known for.

Other than that, if you love Halo, and side scrolling games, you'll love this.