This game is going to be rated differently... It gets a 10, because it is the near perfect "Fan created" game.

User Rating: 10 | Halo Zero PC
The game is fun, that's one thing I'm sure of... If you can appreciate any of the Halo games out there, then you can appreciate this one. It is basically Halo, made into a 2D side scrolling game. It is fun, very addicting, and surprisingly, it has multi player! Hardly any one is online, but if you can manage to get a match going, then you will be surprised by how much fun you can have. Capture The Flag any one? L.O.L.... The sound effects in the game are the same as in the original Halo, which surprises me, not even sure if that is legal, oh well... Bottom line, if your a fan of the Halo Franchise then you should buy this game (Or download it, or what every you may do).........