Halo Wars provides a fun game that can be learned quickly but requires much playtime to become great at.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo Wars X360
I originally downloaded the demo for the Xbox 360 before it came out. Right off the bat I liked the game play, and the amazing storyline. I rented it as soon as I could and immediately started on the rest of the campaign. My friends bought it right away, but I decided to try the real skirmish types before I bought it. I immediately loved it. The huge variety of maps, and the very distinct leaders, set it apart for me. Soon after I returned it, I decided to buy it. Me and my friends have been playing it nonstop since. The huge amount of collectibles, and a plethora of achievements, have kept us busy since. The achievements in themselves could make this a great game. There are the odd achievements, such as the "Two Bugs are Better than One" achievement; which you unlock by having two scarabs at the end of a skirmish game, and then there are the more difficult achievements, such as "Mr. Punctual"; which you unlock by beating each campaign under par time on Heroic difficulty. Me and my friends enjoy this game simply for its ability to be played over and over again; which is even more true now, after they have released three new game types, and four new maps. Me and one of my friends are working on unlocking every achievement, and have unlocked all but four, "Adjudicate the Arbiter" "Detour the Great Journey" "Mr. Punctual" and "Running the Show". Even after unlocking these, me and my friends will continue to play this game, and to refine our strategy. Halo Wars is a great game, with very few things that are wrong with it, and I believe, the best RTS game for the Xbox 360.