A good game but WAY over hyped!!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
HALO was a huge hit when it hit xBox but for completely different reasons than why a FPS is a hit. The main reason why it became so popular and so over hyped was because it had the first great multiplayer since Goldeneye for the n64. PC fps game already HAD great multiplayer but consoles....that was a different story. Sure HALO had some unique weapons but the story was a little jaded. Things got explained along the way but not to well and that left the player feeling a bit like "why the hell is this going on? What does it have to do with anything?" only to recieve a poor explaination later on. By the time HALO reached the PC most had already played it through and several games had already hit the PC that were superior and more fun. There really wasn't enough new stuff added to justify the full price for the game and it should have been released on the PC with a discounted price.

The gameplay itself though is smooth with little to no bugs or flaws. Not much was changed from the xBox version so there's really not much to comment on. Bottomline though: if you have never played HALO and/or don't play many shooters, then it's a really good game and you should definitely play it on the PC hands down! However, if you played it on xBox, then save your money.