User Rating: 9.3 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
I'll admit I love the game, I took a week of work to play it on Xbox on release day. I didn't sleep much over the next 4 days, reaching for the "Red Bull" more than once. I was playing it in a foriegn language, and I spent the whole time on my feet, because otherwise you can't dodge the bullets... I actually got lost in the swamp, and my first thought was to find higher ground, so I could see where I was, It's that immersive. But that was then, this is now, and I have to say that Gearbox have made hard work out of what should have been an easy port. There is some popup, the textures are overbright, the models appear to be lower res, more angular, and there is significant slowdown at very high res. Once you turn all the detail on, and trick out your card. Those, and the lack of co-op, (one of the Xbox's strength's) are the bad points... The good points are that it's, well, Halo... It is the best game I've ever played in some 25 years of playing games. It has both style & substance. I don't play multiplayer, don't play online, so to me, the single player game is what counts, and here Halo has it in spades. Two years later my friend and I are still regularly talking about this game over a beer in the steakhouse. More than anything else Halo is "an experience" it's as close to gaming nirvana a I've ever got, to the point that I can feel the rush as I stare at the Halo2 demo. Knowing, that at some point it will be me stepping off the pelican and into harm's way again... If anything I think somebody at Microsoft ought to camp out at Gearbox and demand that they make good on Halo's promise. I believe they owe it both to Bungie, and to the players, to see it done right. This is a bad port of a wonderfull game, to the point where you may be better off buying an Xbox to play it, (and Halo2) than having to suffer through what I hope are just teething troubles. But be in no doubt, this is a truly great game, and bad port aside that's what I think people should know. If you haven't already, you should play Halo.