We asked for a remake, we got a reskin.

User Rating: 5 | Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary X360
For years, Halo fans have been begging for a remake of the original Halo, 10 years later, they give us the exact same game.....
Halo Anniversary is a reskin, so I'll just call it "Halo: Graphics Evolved".

It's the exact same campaign you have been playing for a decade, the only changes made are very minor, Terminals, Skulls and better graphics.

What, so they are making the game more expensive because of graphics? Did Leonardo Da Vinci texture the game? Graphics don't affect gameplay. When you switch from Anniversary mode to Classic mode, the HUD doesn't even change, neither does the audio!

Terminals were Forerunner diaries in Halo 3 that interrupt your game, now, in Halo Anniversary, they are stupid CGI videos that tell you what you already know about the Forerunners and spoilers for Halo 4.

The Skulls are actually a nice feature, too bad you can't pick them up, you just walk over them and they disappear, shows how much effort they put in the game..... They are not in classic mode for some reason, PFFT, neither are terminals.

Do you want a remake? Well, search up "Halo Custom Edition CMT", that's a remake, they put more time and effort into it and they actually remade the campaign, TWICE, they added new weapons, vehicles, EVEN AI and modified the BSP geometry, THAT is a remake, unlike Halo: Graphics Evolved, which is a reskin. If CMT was making money out of their mods, it would be worth more than Anniversary, but it's free!

To sum the campaign up: Nothing has changed, don't waste your money on this, you already bought this game 10 years ago, if you haven't, then do it, no, not Graphics Evolved, Combat Evolved, it's cheaper.

So, in an interview, they said the game is meant to play exactly like the original, Hmmm... let's check out the mul- WAIT WHAT, HALO: REACH? Yes, the multiplayer runs on REACH, as if the game wasn't bad enough. As I said in my Reach review, Reach is terrible, so they just killed the Halo 1 Multiplayer, or, atleast 1/3 it, YES, THAT'S RIGHT, YOU THOUGHT A REMAKE WOULD HAVE ALL THE MAPS, BUT NO. 343 Industries has got to be the laziest developer of ALL TIME!

And I don't just mean they added 7 more maps to Reach, I mean, the Anniversary disk only has 7 maps on it....
Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack: Complete Multiplayer at the time
ODST: Complete Halo 3 Multiplayer
Graphics Evolved: Seven remade maps.

Only 6 are for multiplayer, the other is a Firefight map based on the second level from the campaign, and one of the six multiplayer maps actually is from Halo 2, so, actually, rather fortunately, Halo 2 Anniversary shall not exist.

To sum the Multiplayer up: Halo Graphics Evolved Multiplayer = Reach multiplayer, Combat Evolved Campaign = Halo Graphics Evolved Campaign.

Halo Graphics Evolved is not worth your money because you have already bought it (if not, buy the cheaper original), and the only thing out of Reach you are missing out on is the super short campaign, they just got Reach, took out the campaign and put in the Halo 1 campaign, bam, $40, I don't care if I have to pay full price, as long as the game is worth it....