Late review for a game i have played since release, but this is one of the few games that require skill!

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Yes, halo 3 is the best game I have ever played in my life! Might not be the same for you cod noob! Love gears and everything else out there though!

Halo 3 had a short campaign with an excellent story that continued the epic storyline that halo 2 has left off (well duh!). The campaign took place on a new halo and basically you needed to stop the prophet from triggering the halo's weaponry in order to save the universe! Of course there were many obstacles, including brutes made out of steel! The storyline was also quite sad.

Now the multiplayer was hands down the best when released and still one of the best today (in my opinion). Halo 3 surpassed cod 4 in my opinion due to a more entertaining campaign, forge, custom games, theater and the excellent multiplayer system. The reason why I feel it is the best (talking to more of you hardcore players out there), is due to its nearly flawless ranking system. Halo 3's ranked playlist actually requires you receive better post game stats than a person of higher rank in order to rank up or receive better stats than then someone of the same rank several times without losing in order to rank up unlike cod where you can lose or win and still get the same exp. Halo 3 also had nearly any auto aim involved. Of course it has some, but it is hardly noticeable. Oh and since the players had to rank up in such a way, many unskilled players or also casual gamers no interest playing the game, even though I do not see why not just play the easy social playlist or maybe forge a map, or maybe join a custom game with your friend! Anyway, I took advantage of every single activity bungie offered in halo 3 leading me to play over 2500 games in total and making endless clips along with many, MANY custom games. Something that many shooters did not have than or even today.

Overall ~
Graphics: 9.8/10 For 2007, this was easily one of the best looking games out, surpassing gears of war, but under uncharted and crysis due to a lack of realism, however, beautiful artistic paintjobs made it almost as good.

Sound: 10/10 Historically Halo had some of the best soundtracks in history and most shooters don't even have anything close to decent! Audio was also very sharp. Grenades, sniper rifles and the battle rifles all had their own unique sounds that would actually be beautiful enough to amplify you of adrenaline if connected to surround sound.

Campaign/storyline: 9.5/10 Even though the campaign was short, it was done right unlike many other shooters which neglect the single player's storyline. Also, it is great fun doing the mission over again with a friend or to find the skulls!
Replay value: 10/10 Easily my personal favorite read what I wrote above
I received this halo 3 collector's edition in the mail on September 24, 2007 (yes a day before). Even though my bro bought this, I knew even if I used my very limited money (at that time I was only 13) on halo 3 knowing I won't have that much money till a year later, I would of felt fully satisfied. Every single hard core fps gamer should give halo 3 a good look, and even casual gamers should take a good look at the social playlists and if it weren't for you guys, there wouldn't be SO many amazing custom and modded custom maps and gaming types! Halo 3 is only 20 dollars with ALL the map packs, easily a must buy! Why miss out on one of the greatest and most challenging fps this generation? If not halo 3, play halo 1,2 or halo reach!

~ Score: 10/10